Flagging indexes

The P95150 program enables you to locate and display the table indexes in a tree structure. You expand the tree to view and flag the indexes that you wish to drop. You can flag a single index or multiple indexes at a time. The P95150 program only allows you to drop indexes that are not unique or primary to the table since dropping these types of indexes would disrupt the integrity of the table.

When you open a table in P95150, the program displays the table and all of its columns in a tree. Each item, or node, in the tree has an icon next to it. The Tree Node Key tab contains a description of each of these icons, which include:

  • Table

  • Data Source Override

  • Primary Index

  • Unique Index

  • Unflagged Index

    The Unflagged Index is the only type of index that you can flag or drop. The system does not permit you to drop a primary or unique index.

  • Index Flagged for Drop

  • Column in Index