Global Properties

Oracle SES Engine server properties fields:



SES Server URL

Valid SES server's admin url http://mySESServer:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService

SES Server User ID

'eqsys' is the standard user id

SES Server password:

Password for the eqsys userid

Validate SES

To verify the SES server URL, eqsys user id and password details given in the form.

Generate Index for Numeric Fields

Y or N (Yes will index the numbers)

FTP Server URL

Valid ftp URL pointing to the RSS feeds directory

FTP Server User ID

FTP user id

FTP Server password

FTP password

Validate FTP

To verify the userID, password and the server information given in the FTP server URL.

Base folder

Local directory on the enterprise server.RSS feeds will be generated in this location.

Text Search Max Results

Default max results for any Text search view. 300 is the default value.