Selecting a Data Source

Before you drop an index from a table, you can select a specific data source location for the table. When you use this method, the Index Selection Tool tree displays the data source in a node for the table.

Access the Index Selection Tool form.

  1. Select a table in the tree and then click the Add Data Source button in the center column.

  2. On Choose OCM or Regular Data Source, click one of these options and then click OK to continue:

    • Select data source by OCM (recommended).

      Use this option to ensure that the table exists in any data source that you select.

    • Select data source from list of all data sources.

      If you select this option, you must select a data source from the Database Data Source Search and Select form, which lists all available data sources.

  3. If you selected the "Select data source by OCM (recommended)" option, on Select Data Source by Object Configuration Management, click one of these options and then click the search button in the Data Source column:

    • List data sources that the table is specifically mapped to by OCM.

      Use this option to select from a list of data sources that the table has been specifically mapped to.

    • List data sources that the table is specifically and by "DEFAULT" mapped by OCM.

      Use this option to select from a list of data sources that the table has been specifically mapped to, as well as mapped to by default.

  4. Click Select.

    The Index Selection Tool displays the data source in a new node under the table.