Understanding Data Dictionary Administration

Just as a dictionary contains word definitions, EnterpriseOne data dictionary is a central repository that contains data item definitions and attributes. These attributes determine how a data item:

  • Appears on reports and forms.

  • Validates data entry within an application.

  • Assigns column and row descriptions.

  • Provides text for field-sensitive help.

The data dictionary is active because changes that you make are automatically reflected in applications without having to recompile the software.

You should assign one or two people to be the data dictionary administrator for each application area in the enterprise. Data dictionary administrators should be experienced with EnterpriseOne and have a comprehensive knowledge of their product area, such as finance or manufacturing. The data dictionary administrator makes all additions, changes, and deletions to data items for the product group. Such changes are reflected in the pristine data dictionary on the enterprise server.

If the setup is similar to the suggested typical customer configuration, then all environments share the same data dictionary. Therefore, the administrator can sign on to any environment to make changes. We recommend that you use the Security Workbench to assign application security on the Data Dictionary application (P92001) to prevent unauthorized users from making data dictionary changes.