Updating Display Decimals

Enter GH9111 in the Fast Path. Double-click Batch Versions.

  1. On the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form, enter R9200100 in the Batch Application field and then click Find.

  2. Select one of these versions and click Select:

    • Update Display Decimals for Class - Proof

      The proof version produces only a report of what the process would do if run in final mode.

    • Update Display Decimals for Class - Final

      The final version actually makes the changes.

  3. On the Version Prompting form, click Data Selection and then click Submit.

  4. On the Data Selection form, create this statement:

    If BC Data Item Class (F9210) = QTYINV

    Note: QTYINV is the only data item class for which you can modify display decimals. If you modify other data item classes, you must research and test how the modifications affect the software. Also, if you modify which data items reside in the QTYINV data item class, you must research and test how the modifications affect the software.
  5. If you changed the Data Selection statement, click OK.

  6. On the Processing Options form, complete these fields and then click OK:

    • Enter 1 to run in Update Mode or 0 to run in Proof Mode. The default is 0.

    • Data Item Class

    • New Data Display Decimals

  7. On the Printer Selection form, click OK to run the batch application.

  8. On each workstation, delete these spec files:

    qlbltbl.ddb, qlbltbl.xdb
    dddict.ddb, dddict.xdb
    ddtext.ddb, ddtext.xdb
  9. To push the display decimal changes out to users, run R92TAM on the server on which the changes were made.