User Overrides Overview

User Overrides enable you to change the appearance of an application to fit the needs of your business. For some user overrides, such as an object linking and embedding (OLE) attachment to a form, no consequences exist when you upgrade your software because your user overrides are merged into the new release. For other user overrides, such as grid or toolbar formats, the system gives you the options of reconciling your user overrides with the new software or deleting your user overrides.

A user override changes only the appearance of an application; it does not affect the application's functions. You can set overrides by user ID, role, or the keyword *PUBLIC. If you set your override by user ID, only that user is affected when he or she signs on to any workstation in the enterprise. If you set your overrides by role, those users who are set up within User Profiles to be members of that group are affected. If you set your user overrides by *PUBLIC, all users in the enterprise are affected. After you create an override for a role or *PUBLIC, each employee inherits that override, regardless of the workstation he or she signs on to. Even with role or *PUBLIC overrides, each employee can further customize a version to fit individual needs. For example, if someone in a department has trouble seeing text on a form, he or she can switch to a larger font. This change applies only to the individual, not to the entire group or company.

EnterpriseOne stores these modifications in the User Overrides Table (F98950). Because the system tracks the overrides by your user ID or role, the modifications will appear on any workstation that you sign on to. User overrides enable you to make the following modifications:

  • Resequence the grid.

  • Change the sort order of rows and columns.

  • Freeze columns and rows.

  • Move and resize columns and rows.

  • Change the magnification and font size.

  • Add charts and graphs to an application, and embed third-party products that support OLE automation.

The following overrides are local only; they can be considered workstation preferences. The system stores these overrides on your workstation; therefore, they are accessible only from that workstation:

  • Sizing of the parent and child windows.

  • Changing the parent window.

  • Changing fonts on a form.

  • Maximizing the form.

  • Turning on the exit bar.