Using Shortcut Launchers

ShortcutLauncher is a URL link used to launch an interactive task. An interactive task is one that launches an interactive application, like Address Book. You can send the link to other users, paste it on an HTML page, use it in EnterpriseOne Pages, and so forth. For users to access the task to which the ShortcutLauncher links, they must have the appropriate EnterpriseOne credentials, like user name, password, and permissions.

Though other arguments are permissible in Shortcut Launchers, like OID (used for Parameterized URLs), and scApp (used for Shortcut Applications), Oracle recommends that you use TaskId, as shown in the example below:


To find a task for a shortcut launcher:

  1. Click the Navigator menu.

  2. Continue navigating to the task to which you want to link.

  3. Right-click.

  4. Click Task Profile.

  5. Click the Advanced tab.

  6. Copy and paste the value located in the Task ID field in the Shortcut launcher URL.

    Note: ShortcutLauncher will not launch a task that has a special character in the task id, except for /. Oracle recommends that you only use ShortcutLauncher to launch supported task ids.