
Use these form exit options to set up additional options.


Indicate whether a database supports Unicode. This option is required for all data sources.

Use Decimal Shift

Check this option to automatically shift decimals when retrieving or updating data based on specifications in the data dictionary. This field is for EnterpriseOne tables only. Non-EnterpriseOne tables should be in a separate data source with decimal shift turned off. If you bring in a EnterpriseOne table as non-EnterpriseOne table, the system does not recognize the fields in this table that have been decimal shifted. This is not checked in Table Conversion.

Use this flag to SELECT or CLEAR row-level record locking for the data source.

You should have this flag turned ON to help prevent database integrity issues.

JDEBASE middleware uses this flag to determine whether or not to use row-level record locking.

Use Julian Dates

Check this option to store dates in a Julian format. Otherwise, dates are stored as defined in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. The system automatically turns this flag off for non-EnterpriseOne tables.

Support For Updates

Use this flag to SELECT or CLEAR row-level record locking for the data source.

You should have this flag turned ON to help prevent database integrity issues.

JDEBASE middleware uses this flag to determine whether or not to use row-level record locking.

OCM Data Source

Specify whether the data source will contain an OCM table (F986101). If you enable this flag, the system displays a 1 in the OCM Data Source field on the Work With Data Sources form. You should only set this flag for the system data source and any server map data sources. That is, you should not enable this setting for any database data source or log data sources that are not system or server map data sources.

Use Table Owner

Activate use of the Owner ID field.

LOB Data Type Support

Indicate whether a database supports a LOB data type. This option is required for all IBM i and Oracle data sources.

Note: If you select I - DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database on IBM i as the data source type, you can select either LOB Data Type Support or IBM i BLOB Support, but not both.
IBM i BLOB Support

The setting for the IBM i Binary Object (BLOB) Data source indicates whether a data source may contain EnterpriseOne BLOB Tables.