Configuring SQL Database Setup Files

Use these steps to configure the setup files for a SQL database.

  1. Navigate to the SQL scripts directory within the EnterpriseOne install location, for example, z:\JDEdwards\E910\MSSQL\scripts.

  2. Edit the ce_JDESET.BAT file:

    • rem SQL_PATH - directory where you want your database files

    • @set SQL_PATH= z:\JDEdwards\MSSQL

    • rem Version 8 is SQL Server 2000. version 9 is SQL Svr 2005


    • @set NEWENV=YES


    • @set UPATHCODE= xx910 (substitute your path code name)

    • @set UENV= xxx (substitute your environment prefix)


    • @set JDE_SRV=MACHINENAME\INSTANCE (substitute your machine name and instance)

  3. Start the cmd window and navigate to the SQL scripts directory.

  4. Run ce_InstallSQLDatabase.bat, passing in your sa user and password; for example, ce_InstallSQLDatabase.bat sa MySAPwd

  5. Check the logs in the scripts directory.