Data Load

The Data Load form is used to select the data loads the system should perform.

You can override the defaults for copying data. The options for Metadata repository will allow you to copy the source package to the target Central Objects. The process will then configure it as the target package name (rename the repository tables).

Access the Data Load form.

Data Load form.
Load Business Data (R98403 XJDE0021)

When selected, a form prompts for the source environment.

Load Control Tables (R98403 XJDE0022)

When selected, a form prompts for the source environment.

Central Objects and Versions (R98403 XJDE0019)

This UBE copies central objects and versions from the source environment to the target environment. All UBEs must run locally except for the server path code copy.

Check Out Records (R989861 XJDE0001)

This checks out the records for the package.

ESU History (R9672 XJDE0001)

This copies the ESU history for the package. The system automatically performs this function.

Copy Path Code, Pkg Dir on Deployment Server (R9800942 XJDE0001)

This copies either the path code on the local file system or the path code on the deployment server. If run from the deployment server, these are the same. This also copies the package definition records and package ini files.

Copy Path Code, Pkg Dir on Enterprise Server (R9894003 XJDE0001)

This copies the path code and the package directories on the enterprise server. This UBE is submitted to the enterprise server.

Copy Metadata Repository (R9894005 XJDE0001)

This copies the Metadata Repository (the package specifications) from the source package to the target package. It will copy the repositories both locally and on the enterprise database.

Rename Metadata Reposity (R9894005 XJDE0001)

This renames the tables in the target metadata repository. Click this option if you have copied the metadata repository on the server using the database commands.

Configure Package Manifest (R9894005 XJDE0002)

This configures the BLOB in the manifest table (F98770) in the target package repository. It will perform the configurations both locally and on the database server.