Data Source Templates by Environment

A data source template defines the set of data sources that will be used by new environments, and the default values for data source properties. The values are stored in the Data Sources by Environment table (F98511).

F98511 also stores the set of data sources for an environment after they have been generated from the template.

The Installation Planner and Environment Director programs use F98511 when prompting for data sources and when creating OCM mappings. When prompting for a data source, the programs will first check the Data Source Master table (F98611) to see whether it has already been defined. If so, Installation Planner and Environment Director will ignore the default settings in F98511 and prompt based on the existing data source definition.

You can edit the information in F98511 using the Data Source Templates By Environment program (P98503). This program enables you to implement custom environment naming standards and ease the creation of environments.

When creating a new environment, the system copies template records to create data sources for the environment and replaces tokens in the properties with values for the environment. Records with an environment value of *SHARED are used as a template for shared data sources. This is used once to set up the shared data sources, whereas new records with environment DEFAULT are created. Environment Director does not prompt for shared data sources; they must be set up from Installation Planner. The default set of shared data sources is system, object librarian, and data dictionary.

Records with an environment *ENV are used for new environment data sources. Whenever a new environment is created, the *ENV records are copied. The environment name replaces *ENV and tokens are replaced in order to receive the actual data source name and default properties. The default set of environment data sources is business data, control tables, central objects, and version. (The central objects data source is also specified on Path Code Master.)

Records with an environment *LOGIC are used for logic and server map data sources. These are set up when selecting an enterprise server.