Example: Application Request for Logic

This is an example of how the OCM works with a general logic request.

Step 1:

The request process for application logic is similar to data requests. The OCM controls where all business functions and batch processes are processed.

For example, when you add a purchase order, any event that calls a business function looks to the OCM to determine where to process that business function. After you click OK to complete a purchase order, the software calls a master business function to validate all information and record the transaction. The software can process these business functions locally or on the server.

The primary, unique index to the OCM includes:

  • Environment, such as PD910 or DV910.

  • User, which is either a specific User ID / Role or *PUBLIC.

  • Object name, such as F0101, B401002, or R09801.

  • Database path.

For this example:

  • The environment is PD910 (production).

  • The status is AV (active).

  • The object type can be either a batch process (UBE) or business function (BSFN).

This table describes the search hierarchy that the OCM uses to locate the correct data source for a logic request:

Search Sequence

Object Name

User or Role

Search Criteria



SI5745669 (user ID)

Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and the specific user?



OWTOOL (role)

Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and the specific role?




Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) for the named object, and *PUBLIC?



SI5745669 (user ID)

Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and the specific user?



OWTOOL (role)

Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and the specific role?




Is there a record for the named environment, status active, type (UBE or BSFN) with no named object (default), and *PUBLIC?




If there is no record for this object type, then the software processes the process on the workstation.

Step 2:

After the data source is determined, the software passes the definition of that data source to JDENet.

Step 3:

JDENet sends a message to the server to begin processing logic. When JDENet on the server receives the message, an EnterpriseOne process on the server responds to the message by processing the requested logic object.