Flexible and Leveraged Technology

You create the applications using tools that do not require a designer to master a programming language. EnterpriseOne tools conceal the code and enable the designer to concentrate on creating applications that are specific to current business needs and accommodate changes to business rules without reprogramming the application source code.

EnterpriseOne is object-based and event-driven to provide you with more efficient business processes. Developers can reuse objects between applications for different purposes. This reusability provides consistency throughout all EnterpriseOne applications.

EnterpriseOne does not rely on one command or keystroke to process information; rather, it processes information at strategic moments during the use of an application. For example, when a user moves among fields on a form, the system processes the information at the moment when the cursor leaves the field. EnterpriseOne immediately notes any errors and hides processing, such as an update of files that might also store information for the field, when the user moves to the next field on a form.

In addition, EnterpriseOne provides a common interface between applications. When you move from form to form, you see the same general setup.