Forms Used By Environment Director in Director Mode

Form Name




Copy Environment / Package


From menu GH9611, run the application Environment Copy(P989400).

Select Create/copy to New Environment. ClickNext.

Used to copy an existing environment to a new environment.

Environment Director


Click Next from the Copy Environment / Package form.

Defines the components of a new environment including environment, path code, enterprise servers, and data sources.



Click Next from the Environment Director form.

Used to select the mode to be used for setup of the new environment. For Copy Environment, fill in the source environment information.

Environment Properties


Click Next from the Environment form.

Used to specify the properties for the new or copied environment.

Note: If an environment is being copied, the properties are presented as defaults on this form.

Path Code


Click Next from the Environment Properties form.

Used to specify the Path Code that will be associated with the new environment.

Path Code Properties


Click Next from the Path Code form.

Used to specify the properties for the new path code. The properties for the existing path code are used as defaults for the new path code.

Data Source Revisions


Click Next from the Path Code Properties form.

Used to select the data source type and to provide specific database information. After filling in the appropriate information, click OK.



Click OK on the Data Source Revisions form, and then click Next from the Path Code Properties form.

Used to select the enterprise servers where the new environment will run. EnterpriseOne will use this information to populate the server map data sources on these servers. Highlight the machine(s) and click the large right arrow.

Database Script Generator


Choose your platform and database type and pressNext.

Used to prompt you for the platform and database type.

Data Load


Complete the fields and click Next.

Used to select the data loads the system should perform.

Environment Director Revisions


Verify the fields and click End.

Used to complete the environment creation actions.

Table Conversion Merge/Log


Filter on conversion type 95.

The application writes history records into F984052. You can see the history by running Table Conversion / Merge Log (application P984052) on menu GH9611. Filter on conversion type 95.