Mapping Alternatives

You map objects by environment. You select an environment that you have already created and map that environment's objects to the data sources you want those objects to use. You can set default mappings for all instances of an object type to one data source, and you can map individual objects to data sources.

Mapping Object Types: Default Maps

To create a default map for an object type, create a mapping whose object name is the literal value: DEFAULT. Then enter an object type (such as TBLE) and a data source. By creating a default map for the object type TBLE, any table objects not mapped individually point to the default data source.

Mapping Individual Objects

You can map individual objects within an environment. For example, you can map a specific table, such as the Security Workbench Table (F00950), to a data source other than the default, such as to the system data source.

If you do not explicitly map an object by name in the Object Configuration Manager, the software uses the default map for that object's type.

Note: Each environment must have a default map for TBLE (table) objects for the *PUBLIC user profile because there is no inherent default location for table objects. If table objects do not have a default map and are not explicitly mapped by name, the software produces a Select/Failed error message.