Master Business Function Operations

This series of events demonstrates how a typical application uses a Master Business Function (MBF). This example uses the Sales Order Entry application.

End of Sales Order Line

The first event occurs when the end of a sales order line is reached, causing the EnterpriseOne client application to call the jdeCallObject API. This command sends a message to the MBF. Included with the message is data (in the form of a data structure) for the line. The application sends the message asynchronously with its associated data; that is, once the message is sent, the client application proceeds to the next line.

MBF Receives Line Message

This event occurs when the MBF receives the JDENet message that includes the data for the line. The line data is cached in the server's shared memory.

MBF Extends and Edits the Line

This event occurs when the MBF extends and edits the sales order line. The data necessary to extend and edit the line is typically accessed locally on a LAN. The data is requested by a database-dependent SQL call and is transported by the applicable Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) or Oracle Call Level Interface (OCI) mechanisms.

MBF Sends a Return Message to the Client Application

This event, the fourth event, occurs after the MBF extends and edits the sales order line and returns the extended line, as well as any error codes, to the client. The return message is sent using JDENet. Events 1 through 4 are then repeated asynchronously for all of the lines associated with the sales order.

End of Sales Order (OK Button)

This event indicates that the user has completed all sales order lines. The user triggers this event by clicking OK after all edited lines have been returned to the client. When the user clicks OK, an end of transaction message is sent to the MBF. The client is immediately released to enter the next transaction.

MBF Processes the Full Transaction

The full transaction is processed when the MBF asynchronously reads the shared memory cache (where all transaction lines are stored) and begins the process of committing the transaction to the database.

Transaction Commitment to the Database and MBF Cleanup

The MBF commits the entire transaction to the database, typically locally through ODBC and OCI, and cleans up the shared memory cache for the completed transaction.

Mapping the MBF to run on the server causes the bulk of the database and logic interaction to occur within a single server machine (enterprise server) or between LAN-attached machines (application server and data server). Thus the transaction has been processed with a minimum of network traffic. This type of application transaction is ideally suited for performance gains in distributed and WAN environments.