OCM Settings

These processing options enable you to specify whether to add or delete mappings, as well as the appropriate path code, environment, and data source to use.

Path Code to use when adding or deleting OCM mappings

When you enter a path code, mappings are added or deleted for all environments with the path code you enter. You do not need to enter a path code if you entered an environment name in the Environments processing option. If this field is blank, OCM mappings will be added or deleted regardless of the path code.

Environment to use when adding or deleting OCM mappings

If this field is blank, OCM mappings are added or deleted regardless of the environment. If you entered a path code in the Path Code processing option, that path code is used. If both the Environments and Path Code processing option fields are blank, OCM mappings will be added or deleted for all environments in the Environment Detail table (F00941).

User Class/Role

If you are deleting OCM mappings and this field is blank, all OCM records will be deleted regardless of the user class or role. If you are adding OCM mappings, you must enter a value in this field.

Data Source

If you are deleting OCM mappings and this field is blank, all OCM records will be deleted regardless of the data source. If you are adding OCM mappings, you must enter a value in this field.