
Use these processing options to specify the parameters for the R986112 report.

1. Data Source One

Specify the names of the data sources that you want to compare. If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate valid data sources. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Source Search and Select form.

2. Comparison Data Source Two

Specify the names of the data sources that you want to compare. If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate valid data sources. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Source Search and Select form.

3. Comparison Method

Specify the comparison method used.

Values are:

1 Compare one direction only. Print only the records found in the first data source, but not in the second data source.

Blank: Compare both directions. Print records found in the first data source but not in the second data source, and also the records in the second data source that don't exist in the first data source.

4. Exceptions Only

Specify the type of processing for an event.

Values are:

1 Print exceptions only

Blank: Print all records