Understanding Daylight Savings Rules

Daylight savings rules tell the system how each locale implements its daylight savings time. You associate a daylight savings rule to each user profile depending on the geographic location of the user. In addition, you can assign a daylight savings rule to a batch job that is scheduled to run in the Scheduler. The Scheduler uses these daylight savings rules, along with time zone information, to determine when batch jobs run on a particular server.

You can only associate one daylight savings rule with a user or scheduled job. However, in the Daylight Savings Time program (P00085), you can create multiple records for the same rule to account for variations in the daylight savings time from one year to the next. For example, if the daylight savings time period for a region is the same from 2008 through 2010, and then changes for 2011, you can create one daylight savings time rule that contains the following two records:

  • DST Rule1–2008–Start and end dates for the daylight savings period

  • DST Rule1–2011–Start and end dates for the daylight savings period

When the DST Rule1 in this example is associated to a user or scheduled job, EnterpriseOne uses the 2008 daylight savings record to determine the time until 2011, when it will automatically use the daylight savings time dates defined in the rule for 2011.

In the Southern Hemisphere, daylight saving time starts in one year and ends in another. When you set up a daylight savings time rule, the year that you enter for the daylight savings time rule must be the year in which the daylight savings time begins.