Adding Column Security

Enter P00950 in Fast Path.

  1. On the Work With User/Role Security form, select the Form menu, Set Up Security, Column.

  2. On the Column Security form, complete the User / Role field, and then click Find to display current column security for the user or role.

  3. To add new security, go to the last row of the detail area and enter information into any of these fields:

    • Table

    • Application

    • Version

      If you want to add column security to a particular version, enter a version of the application that you entered in the Application field.

    • Form Name

      You can enter *ALL in any of these fields; however, after *ALL is entered for a table, application, or form for a specific data item, you cannot enter *ALL again for that data item.

  4. Complete these fields:

    • Data Item

    • View

      If the value for View is N, the data item will not appear on any of the objects identified in Step 3, making Add and Change functions obsolete.

    • Add

    • Change

  5. To change security, change the row values in the detail area.

  6. Click OK to save the security information.