Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the EnterpriseOne HTML Server

After you install and configure the Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle HTTP WebGate, you will need to configure the mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

To configure the mod_wl_ohs.conf file:

  1. Navigate to the mod_wl_ohs.conf file located at:

    2.	<MW_Home>/user_projects/domain/<oamdomain>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/instances/<ohs_instance_name>/
  2. Edit the mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

    1. Add a Virtual Host section.

      NameVirtualHost *:7777
      <VirtualHost *:7777>
        <Location /jde>   <--EnterpriseOne Context
          SetHandler weblogic-handler
          WebLogicPort 9003  <-- EnterpriseOne Port
    2. If you prefer to use the single signon for the WebLogic console, then include a <Location /console> section.

      <Location /console>  <--WebLogic Console Configuration (optional)
          SetHandler weblogic-handler
          WebLogicPort 9001
    3. This step applies only to Oracle Access Management (OAM) for Application Development Framework (ADF) Container.

      If a virtual host section already exists for EnterpriseOne, you only need to add the Location section under the same Virtual Host section.

      For JAS, add a Virtual Host section for ADF container:

      NameVirtualHost *:7778
      <VirtualHost *:7778>
        <Location /JDEADFContainer>   <--ADF Container 
          SetHandler weblogic-handler
          WebLogicPort 9104  <-- ADF Container Port

      For information about the configuration settings for JAS, ADF, AIS Cookies, and ADF settings using Server Manager, see "Configuring Oracle Access Management (OAM) for ADF Container" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Developer's Guide for EnterpriseOne Application Development Framework (ADF) Applications.

    Note: The HTTP port number (for example: 7777) will be the SSO port.
  3. Restart the HTTP server.

    1. Change the directory to Webtier's instance. For example, <MW_Home>/Oracle_WT1/instances/<Instance_Name>/bin

    2. Run ./opmnctl stopall

    3. Run ./opmnctl startall