Configuring Parameters Required to Run the data4ldap Utility

The data4ldap utility can run only on the Enterprise Server and not on the client.

To run the data4ldap utility, you must configure these parameters:

data4ldap <UserID> <Environment> <Role> <IsRoleIncluded (*YES/*NO)> <IsOverwrite⇒
Allowed (*YES/*NO)>




Enter a valid EnterpriseOne user ID that has been granted access to the utility from External Call Security.


Enter a valid EnterpriseOne environment.


Enter a valid EnterpriseOne role.


Specify whether or not EnterpriseOne role information is included in the export to the LDAP server.

Enter *YES to export role information.

Enter *NO to not export role information.


Determine whether you want to override the LDAP server entries with the EnterpriseOne user-role data: Enter *YES to overwrite the LDAP server entries with the EnterpriseOne user-role data. Enter *NO if you do not want to overwrite the LDAP server entries with the EnterpriseOne user-role data.

Note: The IsOverwriteAllowed parameter is used in case the LDAP server already contains user data that is identical to EnterpriseOne user data. In this case, you have the option to overwrite the existing LDAP server user IDs with the current EnterpriseOne user IDs. The value of IsOverwriteAllowed parameter is valid only for user data (common name, language, and given name whichever is configured through the application P95928) and not for user-role relationship data.