Configuring Single Sign-On Without a Security Server

When there is no security kernel available in the system, a user can directly sign in to the EnterpriseOne Windows client without using the security server. To sign in to EnterpriseOne without a security server, you must:

  • Set SecurityServer=<blank> in the [SECURITY] section of the client jde.ini file.

  • Sign on to EnterpriseOne using the system (database) user ID and password.

In this case, the EnterpriseOne Windows client generates an authenticate token locally. This token is referred to as a local token. A local token is very similar to a regular token except that it has a fixed node name (_LOCALNODE) and contains the system user name and password. A local token can only be accepted by a local fat client or an enterprise server without a security server, for example SecurityServer=<blank> in the server jde.ini.

Note: If you sign in to EnterpriseOne without a security server, you can only run the business functions and UBEs that are mapped to either the local machine or the enterprise server without a security server.

When a local token is used, the default value for regular token lifetime is 12 hours and the default value for extended token lifetime is 30 days. You can override these default values for the local token using the SSO Environment Configuration Tools application or by modifying the appropriate settings in the jde.ini file of the Windows client, deployment server, and enterprise server.

These are sample jde.ini node settings to override _LOCALNODE for the local token:

Note: You cannot override the node password for _LOCALNODE in the jde.ini file; you must use the SSO Environment Configuration Tools application to do this.