Creating a New OAM Domain

To create a new OAM domain:

  1. Launch (.cmd) from the MW_Home/Oracle_IDM1/common/bin directory.

  2. Select the required Oracle Access Manager option. Other required products will be selected automatically.

  3. Enter a domain name.

  4. Enter the Administrator user name and password.

  5. Select Production Mode and verify the JDK location.

  6. On Configure JDBC Component Schema, enter the JDBC component schema information. You can set values for Schema Owner, Schema Password, Database and Service, Host Name, and Port.

    Select each component schema one at a time because the schema owners are different.

    The schemas should have already been created using the Oracle Repository Utility (RCU) as described in the Prerequisites section in this chapter.

  7. Click Next to verify the connections.

  8. Select the Administration Server and then select the Managed Servers, Clusters, and Machines options.

    You can accept the default values for the Administration Server and Port.

  9. Enter or accept the default Managed Server name, oam_server1.

  10. Click Next to skip the Cluster configuration.

  11. Click Add to configure the Machine information.

  12. Assign the servers from the left pane after the machine is created.

  13. Review the Configuration Summary and click Create.

  14. Click Finish when complete.

    Before you start the WebLogic Administration Console, complete the steps in the remaining tasks in this section.