Enabling the Long Password Feature

Enabling the Long Password feature allows users to create passwords up to a maximum of 40 characters. After the Long Password feature is enabled:

  • P98OWSEC is disabled and EnterpriseOne directs you to P98LPSEC to create and manage user sign-in security records.

    P98LPSEC contains the same features and functionality as P98OWSEC. Therefore, when working with user sign-in security in P98LPSEC, you can refer to the steps in Setting Up User Sign-in Security in this guide.

  • Users can continue to use their existing "short" passwords for sign-in, as long as their passwords meet the criteria defined in the password policies.

  • After this feature is enabled, an administrator must use the Global Password Policy form to modify password policies.

To enable the long password feature:

  1. Access P98LPSEC.

  2. On Enable Long Password, select the Enable Long Password check box.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. On the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes if you want to continue and enable the Long Password feature.

    The Confirmation box informs you that the feature cannot be disabled after it is enabled.

    It also displays a notice if it detects that password rules have been set up for P0092SS, and informs you that these password rules will be overridden with password rules defined in the processing options in P98OWSEC.

    EnterpriseOne displays the Global Password Policy form with the values automatically migrated from the password policy processing options in P98OWSEC.

  5. On Global Password Policy, define the password rules for long passwords by completing the following fields:

    • Minimum Password Length. The minimum password length that the system allows when a user changes his or her password.

    • Minimum Number of Numerics. The minimum number of numeric characters that each password must contain. For example, if you enter 3 in this field, the system allows the passwords h584htnuud and h584htn6ud, but does not allow the password h5h4htnuud.

    • Maximum Consecutive Characters. A value that indicates the maximum number of identical, consecutive characters that the system allows users to include in their passwords. For example, if you set this value to 2, the system allows Tops or Tools but not Bosss.

    • Minimum Number of Characters. The minimum number of characters that the system allows in a password.

    • Minimum Number of Special Characters. The minimum number of special characters that the system allows in a password. If you leave this blank, users have the option to include special characters, but are not required to do so.

      Caution: If you update a password rule that prevents users from using an existing password, then you must use the "Force Immediate Password Change" option to force users to change their passwords during the next sign on. See Revising All User Sign-in Security.
  6. Click OK to save the password policy rules.

  7. Access Server Manager and restart the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server and the EnterpriseOne HTML Server for the changes to take effect.

To verify that the Long Password feature has been enabled:

  1. On an EnterpriseOne Windows client, access the Universal Table Browser.

  2. On Table and Data Source Selection, select Open Table from the File menu.

  3. On Table and Data Source Selection, complete these fields:

    • Table. Enter F98OWSEC.

    • Data Source. Enter the data source in which you enabled the Long Password feature.

  4. In the F98OWSEC table, verify that the first record contains a value of *LPENABLE, which indicates that the Long Password feature is enabled.

    Also, if the second row contains a *POLICY record, this indicates that global password policies have been migrated from the processing options in P98OWSEC.