
Although processing options are set up during the EnterpriseOne implementation, you can change processing options each time you run an application.

1. Enter the daily password change limit that will be applied to all users when attempting to change a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, there will be no limit on daily password changes.

2. Enter the minimum password length that is to be used when users attempt to change a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, the password will not be checked for a minimum length.

3. Enter the minimum number of character that must be used within a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, the password will not be checked for characters.

4. Enter the minimum number of numerics that must be used within a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, the password will not be checked for numerics.

5. Enter the maximum number of consecutive characters that can be used in a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, the password will not be checked for consecutive characters.

6. Enter the minimum number of special characters that must be within a password.

If this field is 0 or is left blank, the password will not be checked for special characters.