Reviewing the Current Application Security Settings for a User or Role

Enter P00950 in the Fast Path.

  1. On Work With User/Role Security, select the Form menu, Set Up Security, Application.

  2. On the Application Security form, enter the user or role ID in the User / Role field.

    Enter a complete user or role, which includes *PUBLIC but not wildcards.

  3. In the Display UnSecured Items region, complete the appropriate fields to determine which items have already been secured for the user or role, and then click Find:

    • Application

      Enter an application name, such as P01012. You can also enter *ALL to display all applications.

    • Version

      Enter a version name, such as ZJDEC0001, if you want to check only a specific version of an application. You can also use an asterisk to display all versions.

    • Form Name

      Enter a form name, such as W01012A. You can also enter an asterisk to display all forms.

  4. Expand the Secured node to view the security settings for the user or role in the detail area.