Reviewing the Current Published Business Services Security Records

You can use the Work With User/Role Security form in P00950 to review existing published business services security records. The query by example row of the grid enables you to display all security records for published business services. You can further narrow the search by locating the records for a user, role, or a particular published business service.

In addition, you can review published business services security records by running the Security Audit Reports—Security by Object (R009501) and Security by User/Role (R009502).

See Running a Report that Lists Published Business Service Security Records.

Enter P00950 in the Fast Path.

  1. On the Work with User/Role Security form, enter S in the Security Type column and then click Find.

  2. To narrow the search by user or role, enter a user or role in the query by example field in the User / Role column and then click Find.

  3. To view the security records for a particular published business service, complete the query by example field at the top of the Published BSSV column and then click Find.