Run the UBE R98OWPU

UBE R98OWPU performs a select distinct on the F98OWSEC table to find all unique combinations of Proxy (System) User and Data Source. After these records are found, the UBE inserts this record into the F98OWPU table. The record contains the Proxy User, Data Source, Password, and audit information.

Note: This UBE must be run locally because the business function resides only on the client machine.

This UBE has no processing options.

The performance of this UBE is directly dependant upon how many system users are associated with user records in F98OWSEC table. It should finish quickly.

To verify that the UBE completed successfully, open the UTB and check the F98OWPU table for some of the system users that are in F98OWSEC table.

If you want to change a system user password, you have to change it only once for each system user and not for every record in the F98OWSEC table that contains the system user.