Setting Auxiliary Security Servers in the Workstation jde.ini

Within the [SECURITY] section of the workstation jde.ini file, you can set as many as 10 auxiliary security servers. This example shows how the jde.ini file might look:

NumServers=Numeric Value
SecurityServer=Enterprise Server Name (primary)
SecurityServer1=Enterprise Server Name (auxiliary)
SecurityServer2=Enterprise Server Name (auxiliary)

This table explains the variable values:




The total number of security servers (primary and auxiliary) that you set under the [SECURITY] section of the jde.ini file. For example, if you set one primary and four auxiliary servers, the NumServers value is 5. You can set NumServers to any value between 1 and 10. If you do not include the NumServers setting, the system assumes that you have only one server.


The name of an EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. The primary and auxiliary security server names must all correspond to valid Enterprise Servers. The values for both the workstation and the Enterprise Servers must be the same for workstations to sign on to and run batch reports from the Enterprise Server.

The variable value n can be a number between 1 and 10. This number defines the auxiliary security server.