Setting Processing Options for User Profile Revisions (P0092)

Access the Processing Options form for P0092, which you can access from the Interactive Versions (P983051) application.

  1. On the A/B Validation tab, enter 1 to enable Address Book validation.

    When enabled, this processing option validates each new user ID against the Address Book Master (F0101) table upon the creation of a user profiles. Upon creation of a user profile, each new user ID is validated against the F0101 table. As a result, you cannot create a user profile for a user who is not already defined in the F0101 table. We recommend that you enable this setting to ensure that Work Center operates correctly. That application requires valid address book numbers.

  2. Enter 0 (or leave blank) to disable Address Book validation.

    When disabled, this processing option allows you to create user profiles for Address Book entries that do not yet exist in the F0101 table.