Understanding Processing Option Security

You can secure users from changing, prompting for values, and prompting for versions of specific processing options. By itself, setting security that prohibits users from prompting for versions does not prevent them from changing values in the processing option. If you do not want users to use processing option values, you might want to set security so that users are secured from the "prompt for" value and "prompt for" versions.

For example, to set prompt-for-values security, which also automatically sets change security, select the Prompt for Values option. Next, drag one application at a time from the UnSecured node to the Secured node. The detail area reflects the prompt-for-values and change security that you set for these applications. This procedure means that the user you entered cannot modify processing options on any applications that you placed in the Secured node.

This task also explains how to add a *ALL object and how to move all of the applications for a particular user or role from unsecured to secured.