Adding a User to the Administrators Group

To add an existing account (either local or network), you must use the local domain.

  1. From the User Manager main window, double-click the Administrators group.

    The user Administrator belongs to the Administrators group. Local accounts are not preceded by a domain name, and network accounts are preceded by a domain name. For example, the domain member with a name JDE is a local account, and a member with the name JDEMD1\AY5600427 is a network account.

  2. On Administrators Properties, click Add.

    A list displays all users in the selected domain.

  3. On Select Users or Groups, select the domain of the user whom you want to add to the Administrators group.

  4. Select the user whom you want to add to the Administrators group.

  5. Click Add to add the user to the group, and then click OK.