JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Initialization for IBM i

This initialization occurs when you start JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs such as PRINTUBE:

  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment name is passed as an argument to the program.

  • This environment might be translated to a different environment, based on the settings in the [SERVER ENVIRONMENT MAP] section of the .INI file.

  • The software verifies that the environment is a valid entry in the Library ListMaster File table (F0094) and that it has a valid corresponding path code in the Environment Detail - OneWorld table (F00941).

  • The Library .INI file setting in the [DB SYSTEM SETTINGS] section indicates where the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server startup tables, such as Data Source Master (F98611), Object Configuration Master (F986101), and so on, are located.

  • Using this information, the software opens the F986101 (OCM) table in the specified database on the server.

  • If an override for a given table, BSFN, and so on, or the current user exists, that data source (the OMDATP field in the F986101 table) is used for the given object or user and environment. Otherwise, the data source in which OMOBNM=DEFAULT for the given environment is used. Ignore any inactive records (that is, OMSTSO=NA).

    Note: We highly recommend that you do not have any default (OMOBNM=DEFAULT) records for reports (OMFUNO=UBE) or for BSFNs that are mapped to the server. These records might prevent report interconnections (one report calling another report) from starting correctly.

    Each unique data source in the F986101 table should correspond to one entry in the F98611 table. The corresponding information in the F98611 table must be correct. In particular, the OMDLLNAME field must display the correct SRVPGM (.DLL) for the database to which the data source points:

  • DBDR for files located on the IBM i enterprise server.

  • JDBNET for files not located on the IBM i enterprise server. As of Release 9.2.3, JDBNET is no longer supported.