JDEHEAP Advanced Diagnostics Engine (JADE) Configuration

JADE can be configured by accessing the JDEHEAP Advanced Diagnostics Engine (JADE) Configuration section.

To access this section:

  1. In Server Manager, select the EnterpriseOne server.

  2. Select Logging and Diagnostics in the Configuration Section.


The fields used to configure JADE are:



Track JdeHeap Memory Usage

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - trackMemUsage

Default Value - 0

Allowed Values:

• False - Do Not Begin JADE Memory Tracking (0)

• True - Begin JADE Memory Tracking At Process Start (1)

Track jdeHeap memory usage by JADE. The tracking will start with the first jdeHeap usage of the process. It will terminate when the process shuts down and when any of the JADE buttons on the Server Manager process screen are used.

Logging Level

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - logLevel

Default Value - 2

Allowed Values:

• Level 1 - Summary of JdeHeap Memory Usage (1)

• Level 2 - Summary plus BSFN-Scoped Memory Details (2)

• Level 3 - Summary plus All JdeHeap Memory Details (3)

Level of logging the JADE diagnostics. Level 1 logs a summary of BSFN-scoped pointers and of all pointers. Level 2 logs the summary, plus detail lines for each BSFN-scoped jdeHeap usage. Level 3 logs the summary, plus detail lines for all jdeHeap usage.

Logging Level (in seconds)

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - logInterval

Default Value - 0

Logging interval (in seconds) between dumping of JADE data to the debug log file. This is a minimum interval, not an exact interval. No dumping will be done if there has been no jdeHeap activity since the last dumped data. This interval-based dumping will be terminated if any of the JADE buttons on the Server Manager process screen are used.

Use BSFN Trigger to start JADE

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - bsfnTriggerUseTrigger

Default Value - 0

Allowed Values;

• False - Do Not Use Specified Conditions To Begin JADE (0)

• True - Use Specified Conditions To Begin JADE (1)

Use BSFN Trigger to begin JADE memory tracking. The BSFN-related trigger conditions are given in this section of the INI file. When the trigger conditions are met, JADE memory tracking begins. The trigger does not cause any JADE data to be dumped to the log files.

Memory Threshold (MB)

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - bsfnTriggerMemThresholdMB

Default Value - 100

Memory threshold (in megabytes) to begin JADE tracking of jdeHeap memory usage. This can be combined with a specified BSFN name and level to trigger when tracking starts.


INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - bsfnTriggerBsfnName

Business Function name. When combined with the BSFN level and memory threshold, triggers the JADE tracking.

BSFN Level

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - bsfnTriggerBsfnLevel

Default Value - 0

Business Function level. When combined with the BSFN name and memory threshold, triggers JADE tracking. Not used when set to zero.

Enable Debug Logging

INI Filename - /u01/jdedwards/e812/ini/JDE.INI

INI Section Name - JADE

INI Entry - bsfnTriggerEnableDebug

Default Value - 0

Allowed Values:

• False - Do Not Change Debug Logging (0)

• True - Turn On Debug Logging When JADE Is Triggered (1)

Option to turn on debug logging. If selected, debug logging will be dynamically turned on when trigger conditions for JADE are met. This does not change the debug logging settings of JDE.INI.