Modifying the Server JDE.INI Files

To modify the server JDE.INI file:

  1. In the system\bin32 subdirectory for each new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne instance, open the server JDE.INI file.

  2. In the [DEBUG] section of the JDE.INI file, in the DebugFile= parameter, type the name of the log file that will contain debugging information.

  3. In the [DEBUG] section, in the JobFile= parameter, type the name of the file that will contain log information.

  4. In the [INSTALL] section, in the StartServicePrefix= parameter, type the value to be used for the names of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne network and queue services. The names are listed in the Services window under Control Panel.

    The default value is JDE followed by the current version number, such as 920. The default value produces the service names JDE 920 Network and JDE 920 Queue.

  5. In the [INSTALL] section, in the B9= parameter, type the name of the base directory of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server uses this value to determine the location of the executables and DLLs used to run JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs.

  6. In the [JDEIPC] section of the JDE.INI file, modify the values of these parameters:




    Type a number for the starting point in memory for interprocess communications. For multiple instances of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, verify that the difference between starting point values for each instance is at least 1000. The default value is 5000.

    Note: To ensure that the difference between starting point values is at least 1000, review the maxNumberofResources parameter in the [JDEIPC] section of the JDE.INI file. If the parameter value is less than 1000, change the value.


    Type the unique string that is generated by the NT guidgen program.

  7. In the [JDENET] section of the JDE.INI file, modify the values of these parameters:




    Type the port number for the TCP/IP port used by the server to receive communications packets from the workstations. Each instance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne must communicate with workstations through a different port.

    The default value is jde_server.


    Type the port number for the TCP/IP port used by the server to send communications packets to the workstations. Each instance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne must communicate with workstations through a different port.

    The default value is jde_server.