
Although processing options are set up during EnterpriseOne implementation, you can change processing options each time you run a program.

1. This value can be left blank. It is not used in the application at all. It is only used so that a version can be created for this application so that it is called correctly from all locations.
2. Allow login user to resubmit other user's jobs

Specify whether the login user can resubmit other user’s jobs. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow login user to resubmit other user’s jobs.

1: Allow login user to resubmit other user’s jobs.

3. Allow other user jobs to be moved by login user.

Specify whether the login user can move other user’s jobs. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow login user to resubmit other user’s jobs.

1: Allow login user to move other user’s jobs.