Scheduling Reports from the Command Line for Windows

You can schedule a report from the command line for processing on a future date, daily, or even on a recurring day of the week. To schedule one-time only reports, use the at command.

When you issue jobs with the at command, they run in the background. However, the at command enables you to schedule a future time of execution. You can use this command to run a batch job during off-peak hours.

Note: Use of the at command depends on how security is configured on the Windows enterprise server. You should limit the amount of access that users have to submit jobs on the server. If possible, only an administrator should do this type of scheduling.

The command format for the at command is as follows:

at [\\computername\ time [/INTERACTIVE] [/EVERY:date[,...] | 
/NEXT:date[,...]] command

Where these options apply:




Identifies the computer on which to run the program. If you do not specify a value, the default is the local machine.


Specifies the time to run the job, such as 08:00.


enables the program to interact with the Windows operating system desktop.


Specifies the days on which to run the job. Values are M, T, W, Th, F, S, and Su.


Specifies the next date for the first execution. If you do not specify a value, the default value is today's date.


Specifies the command to run. To run batch jobs here, use the runube command with any of its parameters.