Troubleshooting JDBNET

Note: As of Release 9.2.3, JDBNET is no longer supported.

This table explains how to troubleshoot problems that can occur with JDBNET:



You do not know how JDBNET is used.

JDBNET processes database requests using a client and server. It can also be configured to process server-to-server requests. This is, one server functions as a JDBNET client and the other as a JDBNET server.

JDBNET eliminates the need for database-specific network software. All database requests are transported to the JDBNET server, processed in a local database, and the results are transported back to the JDBNET client.

You get an error that the data source on the JDBNET server is not found.

The correct data source on the JDBNET server may not exist. Create a data source on the server that will be used by JDBNET. This is a normal configuration for a server data source that can be accessed by JDENet running on that server. Note the data source name (OMDATP) that will be used for the JDBNET client configuration.

You get an error that the data source on the JDBNET client is not found.

The correct data source on the JDBNET client may not exist. Use the P98611 application to create a JDBNET data source in the F98611 table using this information:

  • Data source name (OMDATP field) is used to access tables as specified in the F986101 table.

  • Server name (OMSRVR field) identifies the JDBNET server.

  • Database name (OMDATB field) matches exactly the data source name (that is, the OMDATP field) to be used by the JDBNET server.

  • All other columns must match the values in the corresponding columns of the server data source. Set this data source as an active override in the F986101 table for all tables that will be accessed through JDBNET.

JDBNET does not transfer any data

The network may not be running. End JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, clear IPC (using the IBM i CLRIPC command), and restart JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

JDBNET does not transfer any data

The JDBNET server and client may not be using the same server port number. Modify the serviceNameListen and serviceNameConnect fields in the [JDENET] section of both the JDBNET jde.ini files on the server and on the workstation. These values must match on both the JDBNET server and JDBNET client.