Understanding Startup Options for the Enterprise Server for IBM i

You can start the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enterprise server for the IBM i either manually or automatically.

You manually start the enterprise server for IBM i by starting JDENet from the command line, and then starting the PORTTEST program, which verifies that the enterprise server software was installed correctly. If it was, PORTTEST initializes an environment and user.

If you start the server automatically, it is recommended that you separate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne add library list entry (ADDLIBLE) and startup (STRNET) commands from the IBM i startup program. You should create a separate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne startup program and call that program from the IBM i startup program. This action ensures that commands subsequent to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne add library list entry and startup are not associated with the modified library list. This recommendation also ensures that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne library list is set correctly before issuing the STRNET command. In addition, the separately-called program provides you with a single location in which to locate and maintain JD Edwards EnterpriseOne startup commands on the IBM i.