
These processing options specify the default values that the system uses to search for failure analysis records.

1. Failure Analysis Type

Specify the default failure analysis type.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records. Values are:

Blank: All

1: Failure

2: Analysis

3: Resolution

2. Failure Analysis Approval Flag

Enter a value from the UDC 48/KA (Failure Analysis Approval Flag) that specifies the default failure analysis approval flag.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.

3. Order Type

Enter a value from UDC 00/DT (Document Type - All Documents) that specifies the default order type.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.

4. Product Family

Enter a value from UDC 17/PA (Product Family) that specifies the default product family.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.

5. Product Model

Enter a value from UDC 17/PM (Product Model) that specifies the default product model.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.

6. Product Component

Enter a value from UDC 17/PC (Product Component) that specifies the default product component.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.

7. Environment

Enter a value from UDC 17/EN (Environment) that specifies the default environment.

The system uses this when searching for failure analysis records.