
Select the Order Delivery Information tab.

You can add delivery information on the work order parts header or against detail lines on the parts list. Also, you can print delivery information on the Work Order Parts List (R13415).

Location Category Code 1

Enter a code that identifies a location category code.

Deliver To

Enter the address number of the person who receives the goods that are ordered.

The delivered to address might differ from the ship to address when ordered goods are processed through a distribution center (which is the delivered to address) before reaching their final destination (the ship to address).

Delivery Date

Enter the date that the customer took delivery of the product.

It is the effective date that is used for determining freight charges.

Delivery Time

Enter the amount of time that has elapsed between the date and time that you enter the case and the date and time that you assign the case.

Delivery Instructions Extended

Enter any delivery instruction text.

The system prints extended delivery instructions on the Material Pick List.