Equipment Information and Search

This table describes some of the types of information you can use to locate, organize, and track the availability and repair status of equipment:

Information Type


Parent and component relationships

A parent piece of equipment consists of other parts or components. It can also be a component of another piece of equipment.

A parent can also be a virtual or logical piece of equipment with component relationships to other logical equipment. For example, a manufacturing line could be a parent, and the associated manufacturing machinery would be components of the manufacturing line.

Use parent and component relationships to group components in the system. You can track the history of a piece of equipment's immediate parent or any of its components. The system accommodates up to 25 levels of components. This record is useful if you use complex or interchangeable equipment assemblies.

Equipment numbers

You can identify equipment by:

  • Equipment number

  • Unit number

  • Serial number


You can search for and track equipment, based on its historical, current, or planned location. This tracking ability is helpful if you need to review equipment that is used at a particular job site or reroute equipment between job sites.

Category codes

You can define up to 33 category codes to classify equipment for reporting and data selection purposes. For example, you can perform online searches for equipment based on category codes that represent major accounting class, major equipment class, manufacturer, model year, and so on.

Other user-defined codes (UDCs)

You can assign three additional UDCs:

  • Finance methods

  • Equipment status codes

  • Equipment message types

For example, you can set up equipment status codes to apply to each piece of equipment, such as:

  • Down

  • Standby

  • Working

  • Available

Licenses and certifications

You can record and track license and permit information for each piece of equipment. This record is helpful if you dispatch equipment to job sites that are located in different licensing authorities.

Online message logs

You can use online message logs to enter messages about a piece of equipment. Standard message types include:

  • Planned maintenance

  • Actual maintenance

  • Problem reports

You can also enter additional remarks about any piece of equipment.