Preventive Maintenance AAIs

Preventive maintenance AAIs consist of:

  • AT00 - Identifies the statistical account for units, such as hours.

  • FMA - Identifies the statistical account for units, such as fuel.

  • FMB - Identifies the statistical account for units, such as miles.

  • FMC - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the FMA statistical account.

  • FMD - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the FMB statistical account.

  • FME - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the AT00 statistical account.

  • FMF - Identifies the statistical account for meter 4 units.

  • FMG - Identifies the statistical account for meter 5 units.

  • FMH - Identifies the statistical account for meter 6 units.

  • FMI - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the FMF statistical account.

  • FMJ - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the FMG statistical account.

  • FMK - Identifies the statistical account for the original meter reading that corresponds to the FMH statistical account.