R3450 - Master Production Schedule

The most current material plan generation supplies the information for the report. The report is a printed version of the information that you can access online by using Item Availability by Time and Item Detail Messages.

You use processing options to select the items that print on the report and to determine whether to print the time series, planning messages, or both. You also define the row types that print for each time series. Row types determine the quantity type information, such as Beginning Available and Ending Available. In addition, you define the columns that print for each time series. Columns determine the time periods that you want to review. The report also provides detailed information for each item, such as quantity on hand, buyer numbers, and planner numbers.

The system draws information for this report from these tables:

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Summary File (F3413).

  • MPS/MRP/DRP Message File (F3411).

  • Forecast Consumption Periods (F3405).

Consider this information when you set processing options for this report:

  • Start dates processing option

    The start date must be within the planning horizon that you defined when you ran the Parts Plan Generation for this report. You can indicate a start date for the report that is different from the original plan generation. However, you should ensure that past due time periods for the report are set to zero.

  • Past due weeks

    The number of time periods (columns) that you specify to print on the report includes the number of weeks that you specify for past due amounts.