Search Sequence Information

The system searches from the most specific to the most general account distribution information that you set up in the Equipment Distribution Rules table. Refer to the this search sequence information to determine appropriate combinations for the equipment distribution requirements:



Step 1

  1. Job

  2. Rate Group

  3. Equipment Number

If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 2.

Step 2

  1. Job

  2. Rate Group

If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 3.

Step 3


If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 4.

Step 4

  1. Rate Group

  2. Equipment Number

If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 5.

Step 5

Rate Group

If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 6.

Step 6

Equipment Number

If the system does not find a rule that applies to this specific distribution information, it continues to step 7.

Step 7

If the system does not find a rule after completing each search sequence step, it uses the distribution information that you specify for company 00000.

For example, you can set up an equipment distribution rule for company XYZ. The rule specifies that all billings for rate group 003 equipment be charged to a business unit that you identify as SHOP within the company.

You also can set up a second rule for the same company and rate group, but specify job 101 (business unit YARD) for a selected piece of equipment. This rule overrides the first rule. Based on this rule, the system distributes the billing for the selected equipment to the business unit YARD.