Understanding Parts Detail Messages

When you generate a parts plan, the system produces messages that identify when planning conflicts exist. For example, depending on how you set up the system, if a part's usage exceeds availability, the system produces an order message. You can process the messages according to the system's recommendations, delete them, or clear them. You can also create personalized messages to serve as reminders about particular parts.

The types of messages that the system produces are determined by UDC 34/MT (Message Type). You can add or change any message that appears on the Item Detail Messages form. You can also direct the system to perform actions on messages that you add or change. Standard message types include warning messages and planned purchase order messages. Other messages include:

  • Expedite an order

  • Defer an order

  • Increase an order

  • Decrease an order

This table describes the actions you can do after you review a message:



Process the message

Use this command to resolve the planning conflict. When you direct the system to process an order message, it carries out actions to resolve the planning conflict. For example, when you direct the system to process a planned purchase order message, it automatically creates a purchase requisition.

Delete the message

Use this command to delete obsolete messages.

Clear the message

Use this command to prevent the message from appearing. You can retrieve a cleared message by choosing Processed Messages from the View menu.

After you review parts planning messages, you can also create purchase requests or purchase orders for parts for which you have an immediate need. You can do so without accessing additional menus or programs.