Understanding Updating PM Schedule Status Information

Update the PM schedule information to change the status of PMs. For example, you can specify that the system update all PMs from status 01 (Maintenance Task Defined) to status 50 (Maintenance Due) for all pieces of equipment that are due for scheduled maintenance, based on their service intervals. You can also change the status of a PM before the equipment reaches its scheduled maintenance interval to enable time for scheduling parts and labor resources. In addition, you can specify which PMs you need to update, as well as the date when the update becomes effective. Maintenance rules determine the maintenance status that is assigned to each PM service type when you update PM schedule information.

Update PM Schedule Status (R12807) is a batch program. When you select Update PM Schedule Status, the system displays Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions before submitting the job for processing. When you run this program, the system automatically:

  • Updates the current meter readings.

    Only the meters that are in use are displayed on the printed report.

  • Calculates the current maintenance interval, based on the last maintenance performed.

  • Calculates the percentage due based on all intervals that are defined on the PM schedule to determine whether the service is required.

  • Checks the Allowed Meter Schedules flag on the equipment to determine whether to use the process meter calculations.

  • Changes the status for each PM service type, if necessary.

  • Generates PM work orders, if necessary.

When you update a PM for a maintenance route, the system creates a PM for each piece of equipment in the route, but it creates only one work order.

When you change or update a warranty PM service type to Complete, the system does not create a new PM cycle for that service type and piece of equipment.

Note: Depending on whether you specified multiple work orders on the PM schedule for a service type that is due to be performed, the system might create a new PM cycle, regardless of the status of the maintenance task. If you do not want the system to recycle the PM for the service type until previously scheduled maintenance has been completed, you must leave the Multiple Work Order field blank when you create or revise the PM schedule. Other values for this field enable the system to reschedule the maintenance task and accrue multiple work orders.