Updating Equipment Numbers

If you change the unit number or serial number for a piece of equipment, the system updates only the Equipment Master in the Asset Master File table (F1201). The system does not automatically update other tables that store equipment numbers. Therefore, you must run the Update Unit/Serial # from F1201 program (R12804) to update the numbers in these tables:

  • Maintenance Schedule File (F1207).

  • Meter Reading Estimates (F1306).

  • Maintenance Rules (F1393).

  • Work Order Master File (F4801).

When you update equipment numbers, the system submits the job directly to a batch update process.

Ensure that you have backed up any of the tables that you plan to update. Also, verify that no one accesses the equipment tables while you run this program. The program is unable to update records that are locked by other system applications. Any equipment information that a user accesses elsewhere in the system is not affected by the update.

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update Unit/Serial # from F1201.