Updating Meter Schedules Flag

The Allow Meter Schedule option enables you to define preventive maintenance schedules (PM) using meter intervals. The system will then process meter calculations when updating the PM status.

You can update the Allow Meter Schedule option globally to reduce the amount of time required to update the equipment records manually. You run the Update Allow Meter Schedule program (R131217) to update selected equipment records in the Equipment Master Extension table (F1217). The system checks for the current PM Schedules on the equipment and determines if there are any meter intervals defined. If meter intervals are defined, the Allow Meter Schedules option shall be set on the equipment master.

You can also select the Allow Meter Schedule option manually when creating the equipment record or populate the field by setting the appropriate processing option for the Equipment Master Revisions program (P1702).

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update Allow Meter Schedules Flag.